Just completed 8 hours of testing of my second day of testing!
(that sounds strange)Only three hours last night.
I am finally done!!!
I passed the Practical portion of my National Registry for Paramedic!!!!
(All results are unofficial pending authorization from Deparment of Transportion National Registry)
I actually can't find out my written results for another two weeks and that's online with a
The official document comes in the mail in about 4-6 weeks. Big envelope good, little envelope bad. But, for all tense and purposes, I'm done!!!
There were Paramedics from different schools there as well, got to change institutional stories with them. I can say with the utmost certainty that Creighton University is one of the Best EMS schools in the country!!!
Check it out.....There was even a Physician(Maxillio Facial Surgeon) who is a volunteer fire fighter. The only way he can function medically in the course of fire-fighting is by taking a Paramedic bridge course and National Registry.
:snicker: he was actually having to take his cardiac (code) portion over again.

That was sure a shot in the ego for Bug.
Well, we may go to AppleBee's to celebrate, kids eat free on Tuesdays or we may use this coupon for Famous Dave's BBQ.
I may go out with some buddies for some beer time later tonight! We'll see.
I'm done, I'm done, I'm done....I'm finally DONE!!Oh and as I walked in the door today after having finished my National Registry
(Did I mention that I'm done?), my wife of course congratulates me then hands me a packet from Johnson County Med-ACT asking me to schedule an interview!
If I get hired, their academy starts the Monday after Thanks Giving.
May be moving to Johnson County, Kansas soon!
I'm looking forward to having a job that can support a family of 6.
(Did I mention that I'm done?)I'm done, I"m done, I"m done!!!!!