Saturday, February 14, 2009

Inclán Inklings Of 08

In Lieu of a Christmas Letter Each Year we send out a Year In Review type letter to friends and family. This is the letter we sent.


Psalm 65:11 “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest;
 even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.”


What a full year 2008 was for the Inclán family.   So much so that many pages could be filled and not do justice to what had transpired. So, please indulge the brief synopses for each Inclán:


Dayan~ Is loving his job at EMSA. Was promoted again and is now sporting shiny Captain’s bars on his uniform collar. Even though work is going well he continues to be in the process for a position in the Fire Department. Next Fire academy is in July. What a long wait. Dayan is also missing an organ after having a cholecystectomy.   


Deanna~ Is also missing some organs: tonsils and turbinates.  We are both much happier after that!  Deanna has 3 schools, 5 therapy sessions for 3 kids each week that keep her busy.  In all of it, she has managed to start exercising and is on the downward weight trend.  J  


Genesis~ Is in the 4th Grade. She played her 1st season of soccer. Had many soccer parents comment that they were amazed that she played so well and were all quite certain that she had at least two years of experience.  She is still very talkative and social.  She is very quick to celebrate for fellow classmates.


Shamar~ Is flourishing in school and is showing to be a talented artist in just about every capacity of art. She writes, sings, draws, orates and can juggle chain saws. Well, nor really chain saws, but by the next letter maybe!  She remains the best cuddler around.


Corban~ Is loving Kindergarten!  He and Moriah are in separate classes and that has been the best thing ever for them!  He has lost both front teeth and another bottom one, which puts a huge strain on his speech!!  We know that eventually he will have to attend therapy too, but in the meantime, we enjoy him….”weawy”  (really).


Moriah & Asher~ Have finally found their forever family and it was made legal on Oct. 21st!!  We are so relived to have it over.  We are still working on their name change in the medical system, but we have all the important documents!  Moriah, also in Kindergarten, is doing well academically.  She is making friends and continues to get her hair shorter and shorter, on her request!  Asher is attending Early Head Start.  The program is providing some great things for him and we see him flourishing there.  We do look forward to him being at a school MUCH closer to home next year!


Grail~ Is a trooper!  He has grown into a great little boy.  Lost all his baby looks and has the emotions of a 4 year old who struggles to get his point across.  So we do have some frustrating moments in our home!  He will attend the same class next year but will go every day and in the afternoon.  He is potty training and doing very well.  We are looking at hearing aids for him and possible celiac disease.  This means he would have to be gluten free.  God is gracious and whatever comes up for any of us, He will provide for all our needs.  He provides rest and strength and chocolate when necessary!  *And He provides hot wings…can’t forget the bountiful provision of hot wings…(*added by Dayan)


Hope this finds you solidly in God’s will for your life and in His wonderful presence. 


Blessings to all!