Holy, cow. The wife is so hard to shop for.
Well, lack of cash kind of makes it more difficult, but sheesh.
She really doesn't want anything except practical stuff and the only thing I know she really needs is a practical thing, but HOLY CROW, can you say even the cheap stuff is expensive. I got what I know she needs, but hasn't mentioned needing and only SOME of the stuff she asked for and I already know I've spent over 3x what she is willing to spend on me (not jealous, just know she's not going to be happy with the amount I spent)
[Iced Grande Caramel Macchiato]
I still need to go out for more.
What the heck are the stores doing being so busy on a weekday morning anyway?
Don't people have jobs or something?
I did go to the mall kiosque (sp?) and got my Starbuck's regular: Quad, Iced Venti, six pump vanilla Caramel Macchiato.
Found a mall gift card with a couple of bucks on it, used my partner discount and it all only cost me $0.99
I did have the opportunity of putting a saucy note on a buddy's windshield when I saw his car.
:snicker: Can't wait to ask him how his day went today.
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