New Wineskins is an organization made up of Presbyterian pastors and leadership who are wanting to stand for righteousness within the Biblical break of the Greater Presbyterian church.
The Greater Presbyterian Church is really turning its back on Jesus and the foundations of Christianity.
I'm quite proud of the position our pastors have placed themselves in which leaves them vulnerable to the backlash the Greater Presbytery. Humble men of God. I'm blessed to be of thier congregants.
Michael Card

I went to the opening service of the Convocation and was absolutey floored by coming face to face with Michael Card. I learned that Micheal Card would be leading worship throughout the Convocation and would be doing some leading.
Dude is a legend! Powerful music!
I'll tell you what, I was not disappointed. Man, he is humble too. I don't think anyone told him who he is. Dude, do you have any idea who you are?! You're MICHAEL CARD!
It was quite awesome. The whole deal, I mean. I'm pretty sad that I have to work throughout The rest of it.
God is going to be doing some big things. Dont' know exactly what it will look like, but the "Church" will not be the same and the world is watching.
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