Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I'm feeling my age.
I used to be able to flip-flop from nights to days and such w/o problems.
Now, I'm tired all the time.
My hair is turning gray by the day because of it all.
I've always admired the salt and pepper look and have coveted the dashing all silver haired dudes, but man, I'm only 38. I'm too young for that yet.
Will not do the hair dye though.
I don't really respect guys who dye their hair to cover gray.


Kids are in school.
They love it.
Do you remember the days when you dreaded the looooong weekend because you wouldn't get to see your teacher or friends for two whole days?
Well, that's my kids now.
I mean, I like school.
I want to go back part time and continue with my never-ending quest for becoming as educated as possible, but I like my weekends.
I like sleeping on those days, really.
(See Flip-Flop reference)


I'm still amazed by the fact that I live in Tulsa.
I drive home on the "B.A." or Hwy 51 and think, Wow; I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma....
This is home, don't get me wrong, I feel like we belong here, it Some times just feels surreal.
Aside from wishing I could see my mom more and not getting as much Husker info that I so covet, I really don't miss Omaha so much.
I really have no idea when the next time I'll go up.
I know the family is going up next month, but I have no plans of returning anytime soon.
Christmas, maybe?
I would love to have an opportunity for some good pizza.
It all sucks down here.
Need some Don Carmelo's, Valentino's or Godfather's.
And the BBQ.
It's "ok", nothing to write home about, but It's passable...
They do BBQ Bologna!
You go to a BBQ joint and they have BBQ bologna on the menu.
I ask, "What do you mean by bologna?"
They're like..."It's bologna. You like bologna don't you? If you like bologna, you'll like this."
I was aghast and said, "Bologna, you mean like the cheap lunch meat you get in the lunch meat section."
Incredulously, the reply has been, "It's SMOKED"
Oh, thaaaat makes a difference.
It's feak'n Ghetto LUNCH MEAT for crying out loud!
Holy Cow!
If I want BBQ bologna I'll by some in the store for ninety-nine cents and squirt K.C. Masterpiece on it!
And these people are serious about their BBQ bologna too.
Every one of these Okie's are nuts about it.
What the heck?
(Bug shakes his head)

Am I ranting?

Well, I must admit that as far as cuisine here they have good...um...good...can't really think of anything good to eat down here.
Taco Bell
Yeah, they have Taco Bell down here...a few any way...they are into Taco Tasteless..er Taco Bueno.
Not good either.
Back Yard Burgers is good.
Um, that's about it.
My taste buds are feeling anemic just thinking about native Tulsa food...
I need to go suck on a bottle of Frank's Hot sauce.

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