Thursday, January 20, 2005

Saved Three Killed One (Today's Tests)

Done with the tests for the week.
Well, I saved three and killed one.
Heck, if it were baseball I'd be batting 750. That's not too good for ACLS.
I gave Dopamine to someone with puomonay edema secondary to CHF, BUT extremely Hypertensive and with a tachycardic atrial fib.
Big no-no.
I did everything perfectly prior too and directly following (Preceptor was impressed with how efficiently and medically properly I covered my "Anatomy").
But Alas, I failed because I provided a harmful intervention.
Luckily I got to retest and passed.
Now, I get to take tonight off, going to take the kids to one of those mall play places, then start studying for the American Heart Associations portion of the written ACLS test.
From what I understand though, we lost about 5 more classmates.
That brings a grand total of 20 down 40 to go.

I guess attrition gets pretty bad during trauma.

Oh, the joys of anticipation.

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